Hello and welcome

Together we welcome, worship and witness in Jesus' Name.  We have a desire to be a presence for God in the town of Oldham, to share Jesus with others and to encourage Christians in their faith.

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A word or two from the Rev

Hello friends. A Bible verse and refection for the week. Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. (Proverbs 16:24) Words are powerful things they can heal and they can harm. Once something is said, it is said. Let us take a lesson from this proverb and attempt to say the words that bring happiness and joy.

If anyone is interested in any of the activities advertised on our notice board, please get in touch via this website on our contact page.

Here at OBC we have a secure locked car park. We currently have five car parking spaces available for hire. The cost of car parking is £34 per calendar month. If anyone is interested in secure car parking at a very good rate, please get in touch via this website. May I remind you again at OBC have our own warm space, it is available every Friday from 12:00pm - 2:00pm. We are open offering a warm place and a hot meal. Pop in, a warm welcome awaits.

God bless you all, have a good day, 


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Get in Touch!

0161 624 1214

Oldham Baptist Church, Chaucer Street
Oldham, OL1 1BA